Last weekend I attended a “BreakThrough Weekend” at my yoga studio (Savannah Power Yoga, or “SPY”). The weekend was led by Mark White, who is a nationally renowned yoga teacher and speaker. We started Friday night and went through Sunday. Our time was divided between asana (the physical practice), meditation and inquiry. I had intended to […]
Posts Tagged ‘yoga’
There is this new word in the dictionary…

Due to the year-end rush at work, the holidays and travel, I got behind on my visits to my chiropractor. Last Thursday, about mid-day, my lower back sent me a clear message that it was going to ruin my weekend if I did not address it. FAST. So on Friday, I went to see my chiropractor, Dr. […]
Random Thoughts on a Thursday: Nutrition, Fitness and Bob Seger

After Monday’s deep post, I have had all of the soul-searching I can take for a while. The following random thoughts have been on my mind this week: 1. My diet needs a nutritional overhaul. I have been feeling a little sluggish and have been perpetuating bad habits that I picked up this summer (two words: […]
Beyond the Mat

I am a relatively new devotee of yoga. I have dabbled in it for several years, but it is really the last year that I have committed to a regular practice. I have been an athlete all of my life, but have never taken the time to stretch. I swear I woke up on my 40th birthday […]
How Did That Happen??

I was a bit of a baby when I was a kid. I didn’t like to get far from my mama and I did not like to leave home. Camp was out of the question. I don’t think anyone would have called me adventuresome or a risk taker. I remember specific incidences of my unwillingness as […]
My Beef with Bikram

I try really hard not to judge people without knowing them. However, I have to tell you – I think Bikram Choudhury may be mean. And, I am thinking he doesn’t like women. For those of you who don’t know, Bikram Choudhury founded a study of yoga – called Bikram yoga (I even think that is […]